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Crystal Electronic Descriptors

Descriptors Description Datatype
relaxed_is_gap_direct whether relaxed_bandgap is direct bandgap bool
relaxed_bandgap bandgap from relaxed geometry float
relaxed_fitted_bandgap scaled relaxed_bandgap to according to ref float
relaxed_vbm valence band maximum energy from relaxed geometry float
relaxed_cbm conduction band minimum energy from relaxed geometry float
relaxed_fermi fermi energy from relaxed geometry float
relaxed_vb_kcoord kpoint at which relaxed_vbm is observed [float, float,float]
relaxed_cb_kcoord kpoint at which relaxed_cbm is observed [float, float,float]
relaxed_vb_lseg the line segment with maximum valence band dispersion in relaxed geometry str
relaxed_cb_lseg the line segment with maximum conduction band dispersion in relaxed geometry str
relaxed_vb_dispersion maximum valence band dispersion in relaxed geometry float
relaxed_cb_dispersion maximum conduction band dispersion in relaxed geometry float
relaxed_vb_lem line effictive mass in valence band at relaxed geometry float
relaxed_cb_lem line effictive mass in conduction band at relaxed geometry float
emtensor_vb principle axis of the the effective mass tensor at relaxed_vb_kcoord [float, float,float]
emtensor_cb principle axis of the the effective mass tensor at relaxed_cb_kcoord [float, float,float]

Crystal Percolation Descriptors

Descriptors Description Datatype
max_jeff_hh maximum DFT HOMO-HOMO (hole) effective transfer integral float
max_jeff_ll maximum DFT LUMO-LUMO (electron) effective transfer integral float
dimer_jeff_hh dimer with max_jeff_hh ConformerDimer
dimer_jeff_ll dimer with max_jeff_ll ConformerDimer
graph_jeff_hh percolation network with max_jeff_hh networkx.graph
graph_jeff_ll percolation network with max_jeff_ll networkx.graph
max_j_hh maximum DFT HOMO-HOMO (hole) copuling charge transfer integral float
max_j_ll maximum DFT LUMO-LUMO (electron) copuling effective transfer integral float
dimer_j_hh dimer with max_jeff_hh ConformerDimer
dimer_j_ll dimer with max_jeff_ll ConformerDimer
zindo_per_hh whether percolation exists with zindo_max_hh bool
zindo_dim_hh dimension of percolation for zindo_max_hh int
zindo_max_hh maximum ZINDO HOMO-HOMO copuling float
zindo_dimer_hh dimer with zindo_max_hh ConformerDimer
zindo_per_ll whether percolation exists with zindo_max_ll bool
zindo_dim_ll dimension of percolation for zindo_max_ll int
zindo_max_ll maximum ZINDO LUMO-LUMO copuling float
zindo_dimer_ll dimer with zindo_max_ll ConformerDimer

Crystal Geometry Descriptors

Descriptors Description Datatype
crystal_elements list of all element in crystal [str]
crystal_composition composition of unit cell str
crystal_lattice lattice parameters at crystal geometry - three lattice vectors and three angles numpy.array
crystal_cell_volume volume of unit cell at crystal geometry float
crystal_spacegroup crysal spacegroup int
num_mols_cell number of molecules in unit cell int
crystal_spacefill percentage space occupied by atoms in unit cell float
relaxed_lattice lattice parameters at relaxed geometry - three lattice vectors and three angles numpy.array
packing molecular packing str
relaxed_cell_volume volume of unit cell at relaxed geometry float
num_atoms_cell number of atoms in unit cell int
num_atoms_mol number of atoms in one molecule int

Chromophore Optical Groundstate Descriptors

Descriptors Description Datatype
ihreorg inner hole reorganization energy in eV float
iereorg inner electron reorganization energy in eV float
vip vertical ionzation energy in eV float
aip adiabatic ionzation energy in eV float
vea vertical electron affinity in eV float
aea adiabatic electronic affinity in eV float
tuned_w omega parameter for DFT functional float
homo energy of the HOMO float
lumo energy of the LUMO float
homo_lumo_gap energy difference between homo and lumo float

Chromophore Optical Excitedstate Descriptors

Descriptors Description Datatype
vs0s1 vertical energy difference between singlet ground state (S0) and first singlet excited state (S1) float
vs0t1 vertical energy difference between singlet ground state (S0) and first triplet excited state (T1) float
as0t1 adiabatic energy difference between singlet ground state (S0) and first triplet excited state (T1) float

Molecule Geometry Descriptors

Descriptors Description Datatype
mol_X Mordred descriptors for molecule float
gb_X Mordred descriptors for Bemis-Murcko scaffold float
cb_X Mordred descriptors for chromophore scaffold float
cs_0_X Mordred descriptors for chromophore sidechain with highest number of atoms float
gb_0_X Mordred descriptors for Bemis-Murcko sidechains with highest number of atoms float

Replace X with the keyword from Mordred descriptors list.